10 Things I have learnt this week

1. It’s easier to embrace who you are than to deny it. (I’m talking about my hair, goodbye straight hair and hello curls)

2. A book has the ability to change a person’s life.

3. Not everything happens for a reason – sometimes life just happens.

4. When you help someone you actually end helping yourself in the process as well.

5. Evolution i.e. change is inevitable

6. My writing inspires people (even though it’s only a handful)

7. A cool summer breeze on a hot summer day is bliss.

8. A cool summer breeze can very quickly turn into an unpleasant gale force wind.

9. I prefer swimming in the ocean.

10. I don’t always learn 10 things every week – this weekly post sometimes requires me to suck things out of my thumb.

Please visit my contact page and share your 10 things you have learnt and I will in turn feature it on my blog.